Konovalov, DmytroTrushliakov, EugeniyRadchenko, MykolaKobalava, HalinaMaksymov, Vitaliy2021-09-072021-09-072020https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-40724-7_53978-3-030-40724-7https://eir.nuos.edu.ua/handle/123456789/4326Research of the Aerothermopressor Cooling System of Charge Air of a Marine Internal Combustion Engine Under Variable Climatic Conditions of Operation / D. Konovalov, E. Trushliakov, M. Radchenko, H. Kobalava, V. Maksymov // Grabchenko’s Intern. Conf. on Advanced Manufacturing Processes. – Odessa, 2020. – P. 520–529.enThermogasdynamic compressionCooling systemCharge airSpecific fuel consumptionResearch of the Aerothermopressor Cooling System of Charge Air of a Marine Internal Combustion Engine Under Variable Climatic Conditions of OperationThesis