Oshovsky, VictorDotsenko, SergiiKairov, Alexiy2021-11-112021-11-112021978–83–957298–6–7https://eir.nuos.edu.ua/handle/123456789/4565Oshovsky, V. Increase of resistance against wear of a cranked shaft with babbitt bearings by nanodiamond saturation of friction surfaces = Двищення стійкості проти зносу колінчастого валу з бабітовими підшипниками наноалмазним насиченням поверхонь тертя / V. Oshovsky, S. Dotsenko, A. Kairov // Innovative Approaches to Ensuring the Quality of Education, Scientific Research and Technological Processes : monograph / M. Ekkert, M. Gawron-Łapuszek, T. Nestorenko, A. Ostenda, Y. Suchikova, M. Wierzbik-Strońska. – Katowice : Publishing House of University of Technology, 2021. – 4.10. – P. 1071–1196.uka crankshaftbabbittdiamondwaterproofnessIncrease of resistance against wear of a cranked shaft with babbitt bearings by nanodiamond saturation of friction surfacesBook