Khirivskyi, RomanYatsiv, IhorPetryshyn, LiudmylaPasichnyk, TymofiiKucher, LesiaIrtyshcheva, Inna2022-06-202022-06-2020222217-8309 of the Efficiency of Employment of the Communities’ Resource Potential Using Different Approaches / R. Khirivskyi, I. Yatsiv, L. Petryshyn, T. Pasichnyk, L. Kucher, I. Irtyshcheva // TEM Journal. – 2022. – Vol. 11, iss.1. – Р. 367–373.enresource potentialamalgamated territorial communitiesefficiencymanagementAssessment of the Efficiency of Employment of the Communities’ Resource Potential Using Different ApproachesArticle