Zhukov Yu. D.Zivenko O. V.2023-12-202023-12-202022978-617-7472-98-7https://eir.nuos.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7676Zhukov, Yu. D. Versatile level sensor for marine alternative fuels and cargo / Yu. D. Zhukov, O. V. Zivenko // Матеріали ХIII міжнар. наук.-техн. конф. "Інновації в суднобудуванні та океанотехніці". – Миколаїв : Вид. Торубара В. В., 2022. – С. 296–299.A brief overview and analysis of future clean fuels are given. The concept of a universal sensor for promising marine alternative fuel quality monitoring onboard the ship is presented. The main features of the idea are the versatility, reliability, and high accuracy of controlling propulsion efficiency regardless of the type of fuel and the differences in its properties.enalternative fuelssensory monitoring systempropulsion efficiencymonitoringVersatile level sensor for marine alternative fuels and cargoThesis