Irtyshcheva, InnaSukhostavets, AndriiFalovych, VolodymyrKovbasa, OleksandrLiashok, OleksandrKolesnik, Eleonora2022-01-282022-01-282021 (Print)1697-5731 (Online) the innovative competitiveness of an enterprise with a change in investment provision / I. Irtyshcheva, A. Sukhostavets, V. Falovych, O. Kovbasa, O. Liashok, E. Kolesnik // Estudios de Economia Aplicada. – 2021. – Vol. 39 (5). – Р. 1–11.eninnovative competitivenessinvestment attractivenessinvestment supportmathematical modelModelling the innovative competitiveness of an enterprise with a change in investment provisionArticle