Maksiuta, MykolaShtepenko, OleksandraPatlaichuk, OksanaSkliar, IrynaYarova, AllaStupak, Olga2022-06-222022-06-222022 (Print)2069-9387 (Online), Poetry and Nature in the Work of A.Yu. Krymsky: Actuality of Postmodern Communications / M. Maksiuta, O. Shtepenko, O. Patlaichuk, I. Skliar, O. Stupak // Postmodern Openings. – 2022. – Vol. 13, iss. 1(Sup1). – P. 229–246.enPostmodern spiritual intentionsessential self-affirmation of Egonational personmental and spiritual harmonyself-dialoguerationalization of poetrypoetic self-awarenessMan, Poetry and Nature in the Work of A.Yu. Krymsky: Actuality of Postmodern CommunicationsArticle