Mudra SvitanaMiniailova AlevtynaTamarkina OlhaBaidak LiudmylaBerezniak Oksana2024-06-182024-06-182024 (Online) use of digital technologies for learning foreign languages in non-linguistic higher education institutions = O uso de tecnologias digitais para aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras em insɵtuições de ensino superior não linguísɵcos / S. Mudra, A. Miniailova, O. Tamarkina, L. Baidak, O. Berezniak // Revista EDaPECI – Educação a Distância e Práticas Educativas Comunicacionais e Interculturais. – 2024. – V. 24, n. 1. – P. 197–211.Theaim of thework is to determinetheeffec0venessof theuseof digital technologiesfor learning foreign languages in non-linguis0c higher educa0on ins0tu0ons (HEIs). Theaim was achieved through the useof general theore0cal methods of comparison, observa0on, as well as calcula0ons of the sta0s0cal significance, efficiency ra0o, Phillips’ correla0on coefficient. The results showed that YouTube, Simpler, and Memrise are the easiest to use, as they do not require addi0onal training for learning the func0onality. Blackboard, Learn English, and Bussu applica0ons have the greatest efficiency in classroom percep0on of the necessary informa0on, as they are aimed at the complex interac0on of understanding the theory and the performance of mul0-direc0onal tasks. According to students, RoseΣa Stone, Learn English, and Memrise applica0ons are the most favourable for self-study. Based on the Kirkpatrick Model, it was established that the majority of students achieved a high level of knowledge (72%). Although students believe that they have reached a medium level of knowledge to a greater extent, as they do not know all the necessary rules. It was found that during language learning students were primarily able to develop working memory (19%), cogni0ve flexibility (18%). They also gained independence in obtaining new knowledge (17%). The prac0cal significance of the ar0cle is in the combina0on of various digital technologies for learning a foreign language by students of non-linguis0c HEIs. The prospects for further research may be determining the effec0veness of learning of students of non-linguis0c and linguis0c educa0onal ins0tu0ons with the use of YouTube, Blackboard, RoseΣa Stone, Learn English, Simpler, Memrise, Bussu.enDigital applica0onsDigital knowledge assessmentPersonalized learningKirkpatrick modelWorking memoryThe use of digital technologies for learning foreign languages in non-linguistic higher education institutionsO uso de tecnologias digitais para aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras em insɵtuições de ensino superior não linguísɵcosArticle