Трохименко, А. Г.Цыганюк, Н. В.Trokhymenko, H. H.Tsyhaniuk, N. V.2020-03-192020-03-192014https://eir.nuos.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2941Трохименко, А. Г. Анализ возможности применения фитотехнологий для очистки водной системы р. Ингулец от тяжелых металлов / А. Г. Трохименко, Н. В. Цыганюк // Зб. наук. пр. НУК. – Миколаїв : НУК, 2014. – № 6. – С. 128–133.Представлены данные о возможности внедрения фитотехнологии для очистки водоема от химических загрязнителей. Приведена сравнительная характеристика местных видов макрофитов для использования их при очистке водоема.The possibility of the phytotechnologies implementation and usage for the water bodies cleaning from chemical pollutants has been considered in the article. The aim of the work is to study the phytocenosis of the Ingulets River for its implementation in the phytotechnology during the water body cleaning. The main idea of the suggested technology is to use the natural elements of the river protection which use solar energy for their functioning and do not need any maintenance. The samples of water, algae, benthal deposits and fish are experimentally tested for the heavy metals. The types of algae for planting into the bioplato are defined. With the method of the native macrophytes species comparison, it was determined that the microelement concentration in the water forms the descensive series: Pb > Mn > Ni > Cu. Plumbum is a dominant toxicant; compared to the stabilization period, its concentration increased by 8–9 times with the industrial water disposal. The model laboratory system of the bioplato with the estimated number of the selected plants is to be created to study their systemic capability. The accumulation and distribution of heavy metals depending on the river flow, its depth and the characteristics of its channel needs to be studied too.otherтяжелые металлыводорослифитотехнологиирека Ингулецheavy metalsalgaephytotechnologiesIngulets RiverАнализ возможности применения фитотехнологий для очистки водной системы р. Ингулец от тяжелых металловAnalysis of possibility of phytotechnologies usage for cleaning of ingulets water system from heavy metalsOther