Irtyshcheva, InnaLevkovska, LyudmilaPopadynets, NazariyTopchiy, AlexeiStehnei, Marianna2022-06-202022-06-202022 (Print)2423-3935 (Online) Trends and Regualtion Peculiarities of the Housing and Utility Sector in Terms of the Resource Efficiency / I. Irtyshcheva, L. Levkovska, N. Popadynets, A. Topchiy, M. Stehnei // Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering. – 2022. – Vol. 15, iss. 1. – Р. 291–300. – URL: and Utility SectorResource EfficiencyResourcesDevelopmentDevelopment Trends and Regualtion Peculiarities of the Housing and Utility Sector in Terms of the Resource EfficiencyArticle