Korostylov LeontiiLytvynenko DmytroSharun HryhoriiDavydov Ihor2024-09-172024-09-172021DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2021.2391591729-3774 (Print)1729-4061 (Online)https://eir.nuos.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8762Improvement of trawler hull structure under condition of ensuring fatigue strength / L. Korostylov, D. Lytvynenko, H. Sharun, I. Davydov // Eastern-European Journ. of Enterprise Technologies. – 2021. – Vol. 4, № 7 (112). – P. 50–59.entrawlerside structurestructural jointstressstrain statestress concentrationfatigue strengthImprovement of trawler hull structure under condition of ensuring fatigue strengthArticle