Проектная методика как инновационная педагогическая технология преподавания РКИ
Лищенко, И. Б.
Макеева, И. Б.
Lishcienko, I. B.
Маkieieva, I. B.
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В статье подняты вопросы формирования у иностранных студентов интереса к изучению русского языка как иностранного. Рассмотрены пути оптимизации учебного процесса с помощью организации проектной деятельности студентов. Представлены виды познавательной деятельности, направленные на общеобразовательную подготовку студентов.
The problems of the formation of the foreign student’s interest to the Russian Language studying as the foreign language have been considered in this article. The ways of the educational process optimization by use of the student’s self-instruction activity organization have been studied. The authors have focused the types of the extracurricular activity for the general training of the students, based on the experience of the extracurricular activity.
The problems of the formation of the foreign student’s interest to the Russian Language studying as the foreign language have been considered in this article. The ways of the educational process optimization by use of the student’s self-instruction activity organization have been studied. The authors have focused the types of the extracurricular activity for the general training of the students, based on the experience of the extracurricular activity.
Лищенко, И. Б. Проектная методика как инновационная педагогическая технология преподавания РКИ = Project methodology as innovative pedagogical technology of teaching of Russian language as the foreign language / И. Б. Лищенко, И. Б. Макеева // Гуманіт. вісн. НУК. – Миколаїв : НУК, 2019. – Вип. 12. –
С. 27–35.
Ключові слова
метод проектов, презентация, познавательная активность, the project method, the presentation, the learning activity